Friday, August 17, 2007

Syntactic Sugar for Composition/Delegation

Composition/Delegation is a common pattern in object oriented software. There are a lot of different definitions floating around for both composition and delegation, but basically it amounts to this, as demonstrated in Java code:

class MyStringList implements List<String> { 
    private List<String> backingList;
    public MyStringList(List<String> backingList) {
        if (backingList == null) throw new NullPointerException();
        this.backingList = backingList;
    public String get(int i) { return backingList.get(i); }
    public boolean isEmpty() { return backingList.isEmpty(); }
    // ... lots of other methods like the ones above
    public void add(String s) {
        if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
           throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    // and some more slightly modified methods to complete List
So MyStringList is composed of backingList and it delegates most of its methods to it. Furthermore, in this case it is using backingList to implement the interface List. There are other ways to use composition and delegation, both together and separately, but this is the pattern with which I'm concerned. If I had full written out the code, the first thing you would notice is that there is a painfully large amount of boiler-plate code (the List interface requires 25 methods) to accomplish very little. If you know Java or a similar language, you would then probably think that it would be easier to use inheritance as follows:
class MyStringList extends ArrayList<String> {
    public MyStringList() {}
    public void add(String s) {
        if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    // do something for the other add methods as required...
That's a lot less typing. It's also strongly coupled to ArrayList. Depending on what you're trying to do, that may or may not be a problem. For example, let's say you are developing a web application using Hibernate, and you want Hibernate to lazily fetch the contents of the list. The only way would be to extend Hibernate's list instead, thereby breaking any code you already wrote that assumed ArrayList and strongly coupling you to a specific ORM. The other problem is that Java only supports single inheritance, so you can only save typing for one interface. If you have several, you are out of luck. Trust me, these are not good things. So, with Java at least, you are stuck between a rock and a hardplace. You either get strong coupling or a lot of typing boilerplate code. If you don't believe me, ask Google. But problem is very solveable. On one hand there's mixins, but these introduce their own set of restrictions, oddities, and coupling. It would be better to add something simple that preserves the pattern in an easily understandable way while eliminating the boilerplate code. Delegation should be made part of the language. So instead of writing the initial piece of code, you would write:
class MyStringList implements List<String> { 
    private delegate List<String> backingList;
    public MyStringList(List<String< backingList) {
        if (backingList == null) throw new NullPointerException();
        this.backingList = backingList;
    public void add(String s) {
        if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
           throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    // and some more slightly modified methods to complete List
The delegate keyword tells the compiler that any methods from List that are not already implemented should be generated by delegating responsibility to the member backingList. This eliminates the boilerplate code without introducing excess coupling, reducing flexibility, or even being particularly confusing. Furthermore, this scheme could work in many languages. I'm not a compiler hacker, but concepts like this are always better with a demonstration. So I've thrown together some Python that enables this behavior. Code is here. It's far from production-quality. I'm sure people will find plenty of flaws. But it does demonstrate the concept (along with showing how easily extensible Python is.

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1 comment:

uncial said...

I'd like to see some form of this in Java (and Scala, of course ;-) IANACW but it appears that the benefit would be large compared to the level of effort to implement.

I do think that the Scala-like approach of class-level parameters would make this more readable than the Java-like syntax in your specimen code. Something resembling:

public class Foo implements List(delegate List<String> myList) ... {

would provide these benefits:

* ties more closely to the idea of implementing an interface as a class-level concept,
* emphasizes the delegate's special role, e.g. could then be automatically instantiated by the constructor,
* eliminates the need to search for the delegate (e.g. if someone wrote your posted example using the instance-variables-at-the-end style),
* potentially allows a class to have distinct delegates for non-overlapping interfaces, clearly marking which delegate is in each role.

At any rate, given the widely-discussed benefits of delegation, I think it's time to consider language support in some form. Thanks for raising the issue!